How Many Buzzballz To Get Drunk? Solved

Have you ever tried Buzzball? If not, you must try if you want alcohol options with ready-to-drink materials. Many people, including you and me, have tried various drinks to get drunk slightly;

However, whenever we are disappointed, you will surely get a slight buzz in your mind with Buzzball. Now, let’s go with the quantity and know more about how many Buzzballz to get drunk.

What is Buzzball?

The Buzzball is the alternative to the beer, as it contains slightly more alcohol with 15% ABV, more than beer which you will require 4 shots to get drunk.

The Buzzball comes in small cans with ready-to-drink cocktails; it has various flavors to taste, including Lotta Colaba, Strawberry, peach, tequila, and crane blaster, However, you just need to extract in the glass and drink it.

Moreover, drinking too many alcoholic beverages will give you anxiety and sleepiness, so taking in the moderate form will give you immense pleasure, and the Buzzball has less alcohol in percentage, which you will surely enjoy.

How Many Buzzballz To Get Drunk?

To get drunk with buzzball, you will likely need around 4 shots. Comparatively, if you’ve tested wine or other drinks, getting drunk in 2-3 shots, then 4 shots of buzzball should do the trick. The Buzzball Alcohol Percentage contains 15% alcohol in just 200 ml, similar to one glass of wine.

It’s important to note that individual factors such as body weight, alcohol tolerance, and capacity to get drunk can also influence the outcome.

Read More: How Many Truly’s To Get Drunk?

Where To Drink Buzzball For The Best Experience?

For the best experience with Buzzball you won’t find it in parties or gatherings. Instead, you can try it with your partner on a date, during a romantic evening, or on an outing.

Buzzball allows you to enjoy the night with your partner without feeling too intoxicated, and its effects can last long. You’ll feel the effects of Buzzball within 10 minutes.

Flavors of Buzzball

  • Lime ‘Rita, A classic margarita flavor with a tangy lime twist, let’s go with another variety.
  • Cran Blaster is a mix of cranberry and vodka, offering a tart and sweet combination.
  • Forbidden Apple is a tempting blend of apple flavors with a hint of spice.
  • Stiff Lemonade has a refreshing lemonade taste with a vodka kick.
  • Ruby Red Grapefruit has a citrusy option featuring the vibrant flavor of grapefruit.
  • Choc Tease, This chocolate-flavored cocktail variety comes with creamy and sweet notes.

How Long Does Being Drunk Last?

When a person consumes alcohol, their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) rises, and they begin to feel the effects of intoxication. As the body metabolizes the alcohol, the BAC gradually decreases, and the effects of being drunk subside over time.

Typically, it takes about one hour for the body to metabolize one standard drink like Monster with alcohol, roughly equivalent to 14 grams (0.6 ounces) of pure alcohol. However, this can vary based on individual factors and amount.


How strong is a BuzzBall?

BuzzBallz typically has an alcohol content of around 15-20% ABV (alcohol by volume), similar to the strength of many fortified wines or liqueurs.

How many drinks does it take to feel a buzz?

The number of drinks required to feel a buzz can vary widely depending on factors like individual tolerance, body weight, and metabolism.

How much alcohol is in a big BuzzBallz?

The alcohol content in a “big” BuzzBallz is likely the same as regular-sized ones, around 15-20% ABV.

Will 2 BuzzBallz get u drunk?

Two BuzzBallz with an ABV of 15-20% each could potentially lead to a noticeable level of intoxication for some individuals.

How many BuzzBallz in a biggie?

The term “biggie” might refer to a larger-sized BuzzBallz container, However, the alcohol content in any BuzzBallz product would likely be similar to the regular-sized ones, around 15-20% ABV on 200 ML, so if it is 400 ML, then it has 35% alcohol as well, so it depends on quantity or container.


  • Maulik B

    Maulik is a beverage enthusiast and the Founder of, With the beverage enthusiast, I'm a Digital marketer As well, Writing, researching content, and testing various brands of liquid is my passion. I will share My knowledge and information about the beverages and liquid taste that makes you thirsty!!!

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